

Adrianne C.


Vaughan, Canada

How did you find London compared to what you were expecting?
The experience so far has been a whirlwind — from looking for a job in my field to making new friends and moving from house to house life here has been keeping me busy. It’s quite different from what I imagined because I thought I would be working in graphic design like I was back home. But what came to be has been infinitely more fun and interesting than working in an office five days a week.

What is the achievement you're most proud of since moving to the UK?
Stepping up to the challenge of a physically demanding job and also searching and finding a place that checked off most of what I was looking for in a shared house.

How has your experience abroad changed your outlook on the world?
I’m a lot happier than I have been in the last couple of years and that is all due to the fact that I’m fulfilling one of my life goals of living abroad in a different city. Even though I have certain living cost I didn’t have to deal with back home and it stresses me out a little, I just take things one day at a time. There’s also a community of young adults in the exact same boat so I never feel alone in my struggle. It’s also a huge learning experience that I know will benefit in shaping my future self. The people I’ve met so far have already had a major impact on shaping my outlook on this whole experience as well as what I plan to takeaway from this once it’s over.

What would you say to someone who's thinking about moving to the UK with BritBound?
Do it! Do it now! If it’s something you’ve been wanting to do but are putting it off then you need to stop doing that and just take the plunge. You might come here thinking you’ll do X,Y, and Z but once you’re here something completely different might occur and as what happened to me it could end up being infinitely better. I don’t think you can properly predict what will happen when you make such a big move but if you’re open to adventure and you’re ready for a challenge then you can succeed at it for sure.