Katie C.
Port Moody, Canada
How did you find London compared to what you were expecting?
The experience has been challenging, but rewarding. It was amazing getting to know fellow BritBounders the first few days at the base and at following parties... including THE CHURCH (a Sunday all-day party that involves beers carried around in a bag and strippers. Yes, it's as messy and fun as it sounds!)
What is the achievement you're most proud of since moving to the UK?
Since moving here I am most proud of finding a job and a place to live. It was the most challenging part of moving here, and I'm glad it's over with. Once you find a place to call home, you feel more settled and can finally relax in your own space.
How has your experience abroad changed your outlook on the world?
My experience in London has changed my outlook on life by encouraging me to be more open with people. I find myself eager to make more friends and meet new people. I also enjoy going to new places and exploring the city in a more enthusiastic way than I would have thought.
What would you say to someone who's thinking about moving to the UK with BritBound?
To anyone thinking about moving here to live and work, I'd advise them to really think about it. You leave behind your family and friends to move to a world you may not know much about. If getting outside your comfort zone and meeting a ton of new people sounds like exactly what you need right now, then this may be one of the best decisions of your life!